2001-2002 :  Smedley Award
2004-2005 :  Distinguished Club
2005-2006 :  Beat the Clock Award
2005-2006 :  President's Distinguished Club
2006-2007 :  Founders Award (Sai TMC)
2006-2007 :  Select Distinguished Club
2007-2008 :  Founders Award (Rakyat TMC)
2007-2008 :  Beat the Clock Award
2007-2008 :  Smedley Award
2007-2008 :  President's Distinguished Club
2008-2009 :  President's Distinguished Club
2009-2010 :  President's Distinguished Club
2010-2011 : President's Distinguished Club
2011-2012 : President's Distinguished Club
2012-2013 :  Select Distinguished Club
2013-2014 :  Smedley Award
2013-2014 :  President's Distinguished Club